There are specific fitness/mental health concerns that can be observed within the geek community. Some geek related interests often involve sitting for long periods of time and can lead to being sedentary. A few of the mental health and psychosocial concerns that are common in the geek community that may be related to the lack of physical activity are...
-Disrupted sleep cycle
Research suggests that physical fitness not only improves physical health but also boosts brain functioning, (i.e. mood, cognition and memory). If the bulk of your time revolves around sedentary activities, consider seamless ways to add physical fitness into your existing routine, such as: doing a short set of crunches, or squats in between screen loads of a video game, working out while binging the latest Netflix show, or joining a group of geeks on a fandom hike.
When it comes to starting a fitness routine it is usually recommended to start by setting small measurable goals that are attainable. Merging fitness with everyday tasks and using the tools and resources that are at your finger tips is a great way to start shifting your mindset and working toward a healthier lifestyle.
Interested in reading more on this topic? Here's a short article from the American Psychological Association on how working out can improve your physical fitness, reduce stress on the body and can boost your brain health:
Follow us on social for more about how to stay motivated to look after physical health. Join us for an in person workout and kickstart fitness routine.
In the meantime, stay active, hydrated and geeky🦸♀️.